Eye Power FAQ’s

If you manage or participate in trade shows, exhibitions, conferences, field days, careers markets or other face-to-face events you should attend Eye Power.

What is Eye Power?

Eye Power is an internationally recognised and widely presented exhibitor education program.  Skyline Displays Australia has presented over 180 seminars to 5,000+ sales, marketing and public relations professionals since 2001.

The key purpose of Eye Power is to help exhibitors and industry professionals like you achieve your exhibition and trade show objectives and increase your return-on-investment.

Why is Eye Power such a worthwhile experience?

Eye Power messages are delivered without fear or favour. This is not a ´cash for comment´ experience. Expect to hear hard facts, plain–English truths and practical information. Our visitors appreciate the crisp, succinct and memorable way we tell our story. Find out what past attendees had to say about their Eye Power Experience.

How much does it cost?

Our scheduled Eye Power seminars are presented free of charge. Unlike many other so-called ´free seminars’, we don´t present Eye Power as a teaser to tempt you to pay for another event, nor are there hidden costs on the day. However, an investment is required – your time – and we value it as highly as you do. We promise to deliver a genuinely educational experience and that’s what we do.

Do I have to book?

Yes. We provide seminar materials and refreshments on the day, we need to know who is attending so we can cater for everyone. Register Online Today.

May a colleague or friend accompany me?

Yes. Many organisations require their entire sales and marketing teams to attend Eye Power as part of their professional development. However, as numbers are limited, we request a maximum of three attendees per organisation per event.

What do I receive for attending?

All attendees receive a high quality workbook free of charge, and access to a range of free electronic tools.  We also make two exclusive publications available, “The Trade Show Marketing Ideas Kit” and the “Creating Effective Trade Show Promotions” workbook . Please note these two publications are only available at Eye Power events.

Can I get the exclusive Eye Power Publications without attending?

No. Eye Power publications are only made available at our seminars.

Do I have to be a Skyline customer to attend?

No. We invite all open–minded exhibition and marketing professionals and those that want to learn more about exhibition marketing to attend. We regard all attendees as ´friends of Skyline’. And you are welcome to visit and consult with us anytime.

Will salespeople hound me when I attend?

Categorically “No!” We promise to deliver an educational experience and we keep that promise. Neither your presenter nor any of the Eye Power team or participating Partners will attempt to sell anything to you – other than the idea that you can and will be a more effective exhibitor by following the Eye Power principles. Time permitting, we will answer product–specific questions but we find that´s usually best left for another day. That´s why we professionally follow up with all attendees after an event.

Who should attend?

If you manage or participate in trade shows, exhibitions, conferences, seminars, field days, careers markets or other face-to-face events you should attend Eye Power. Eye Power is designed for SMEs, large organisations, the not-for-profit sector and all levels of Government.

Eye Power events are beneficial for every member of an organisation for whom exhibiting is an essential part of the marketing mix. CEO’s, business owners, marketing managers, sales managers, business development managers, designers, advertising and exhibition professionals, and exhibition salespeople all benefit by attending Eye Power.

What topics are covered?

The short answer is, everything to help you to be a more successful, more effective or more profitable exhibitor. Eye Power is up–to–date, fact filled and fast paced. Our workbooks and publications are first class.

The slightly longer answer: Eye Power covers a broad range of subjects including:

  • Industry Overview & Trends
  • Setting Measurable Objectives
  • Selecting Shows and Spaces that Work
  • Quick Budgeting Tips
  • Designing Your Stand for Maximum Impact & Functionality
  • Creating Effective Promotions. Before the Event. At the Event and After the Event.
  • Selecting and Training your Exhibit Team to Maximise Your Return
  • Effortlessly Engaging Total Strangers
  • How to generate More Leads, Sales and Results

What’s new with Eye Power?

Eye Power content is reviewed every 12 months to assess its relevance to the current exhibition, and commercial markets and industries. At the start of every year the presentation is re–imaged and rewritten. What’s New for 2019? New case studies. Fresh imagery. Updated social media section.

What is Eye Power In Focus?

Eye Power In Focus Seminars were designed by Skyline Displays Australia to delve deeper into popular Eye Power subjects like measurement, sales strategies & promotion.

In Focus events are shorter than our traditional Eye Power Seminars but are full of valuable data and information on specific areas crucial to successful trade show marketing.

About Skyline’s Eye Power Presenter

Ron McDermott has presented the Eye Power Seminar series on behalf of Skyline Displays Australia since 2001.
Ron is an independent exhibition and events trainer with decades of sales management and event industry experience. He has presented hundreds of exhibitor education seminars and workshops to thousands of exhibitors Australia wide during the last twelve years. Ron is a dedicated student of exhibition and event dynamics. He is passionate about helping exhibitors prepare for their events, connect with their customers and achieve results.

If you require any further information on our exhibitor training seminars, please email eyepower@skyline.com.au.

Increase your leads, sales & ROI Register for Eye Power today.

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